Friday, January 23, 2009

Forms Server (frmsrv) crashing


We were in the process of setting up a new instance by way of cloning. The apps version was 12.0.4 and database was on linux. After the cloning process was complete, the services were started. We have configured the forms server in socket mode. The would start the forms server executable (frmsrv) but any connections would fail with FRM 92050. The forms executable would crash without leaving any messages in socket.log. No errors logged elsewhere too. The issue was with the library file This is apparently a motif file and I am not sure which rpm brings this in.

Troubleshooting tips:

1. set the environment
2. manually start the forms server with the following command
frmsrv host hostname port 9091 pool 1 exe frmweb log /apps/local/Instance_Name/inst/apps/INSTANCENAME_ServerNAME/logs/ora/10.1.2/forms/socket.log
3. The above command will throw the library could not be found error.
4. Ascertain the issue: ldd frmweb | grep 'not found'
5. The library should be made available under /usr/X11R6/lib/
6. The above path should be part of the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
7. once the library file has been installed, relink the forms executable using the following command: make -f $ORACLE_HOME/forms/lib/ install
8. Ascertain the executable is able to find the library file: ldd frmweb |grep 'not found'
9. Telnet from your desktop to the forms server (in this case on port 9091) and the frmsrv should not crash.

-Aravind Kamath Posral

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Verification of patch failed: Patch is not found in the Inventory.


Happy New Year!!!


SEVERE:OUI-67073:UtilSession failed: ApplySession failed in system modification phase... 'Verification of patch failed: Patch is not found in the Inventory.

INFO:The following warnings have occurred during OPatch execution:
INFO:1) OUI-67124:Inventory check failed: Patch ID is NOT registered in Oracle Home inventory.
INFO:2) OUI-67124:ApplySession failed in system modification phase... 'Verification of patch failed: Patch is not found in the Inventory. '
INFO:3) OUI-67124:
NApply restored the home. Please check your ORACLE_HOME to make sure:
- files are restored properly.
- binaries are re-linked correctly.

We faced the above error while applying one of the patches using opatch.


I checked upon the following aspects:

- The oracle home was properly defined in inventory.xml
- oraInst.loc was pointing to the correct inventory location
- OUI versions are adequate to update the inventory
- oratab contained the correct oracle home entry

None of above turned to be the culprits. This patch was being applied as part of the patches that were being applied to upgrade the database to from This prompted me to take a look at the oui log for this patchset and I found the following lines:

WARNING: Home:/oracle/product/ has conflicting information present in the inventory at /oracle/product/
WARNING: Please delete the /oracle/product/ directory to avoid inventory update failures

Fix: As the above warning made it evident, I renamed the existing Contents folder and created an empty folder by the name Contents under oraInventory.

Applied the patch again using opatch and the issue was fixed.

- Aravind Kamath Posral